EMR and the Doctor-Patient Relationship
Oct 12, 2018
In an in age of increasingly complex technology, the doctor-patient relationship has evolved in certain ways. Electronic health records (EHRs) also known as electronic medical records (EMRs) have become instrumental by increasing efficiency through saving doctors time while increasing the quality of care that each patient receives.
Not only do EMRs streamline the management and accuracy of patient health information (PHI) but they also provide doctors access to a patient’s PHI from anywhere in the world. By connecting doctors more quickly than with telephones and paper, doctors are able to save time and resources while simultaneously increasing the likelihood of successfully treating a patient.
EMR Software
EMR software has made it easier to store large amounts of PHI. When it is stored and transmitted electronically, it is referred to as ePHI. It has also changed the way that doctors are able to access ePHI. EMR software allows doctors to search by specified criteria and cross reference other doctors’ notes from one place. Allowing doctors access from anywhere is vital to the increase in efficiency not only because doctors across the world have access to the ePHI, but primary doctors are also able to access the ePHI from home. In recent polls, as many as half of the doctors surveyed reported accessing patients’ ePHI from home. . In this way, EMR software facilitates the ways in which doctors can approach treatments and diagnoses.Smartphone and Tablet Apps
EMR software has other implications. Many doctors are now reporting accessing ePHI through their smartphones and tablets. A new market has emerged for apps related to management of EMR. Recent software developments have made it possible to create a doctor-patient portal in which the doctors and patient can engage in a virtual dialogue and share information without needing to be face to face. This provides care and attention in addition to the scheduled appointments.Transitioning to Virtual Platforms
Some may argue that this could lead to a dependence on technology and a reduction in actual face-to-face time between the doctor and the patient. While it is always important for patients to maintain regularly scheduled appointments with doctors, these developments in EMR software and applications allow doctors to provide care and effort without the constraint of physically being with the patient. This could lead to doctors being more productive and successful in their treatment. EMR software companies like Quest National Services reduce the burden on doctors and allow them to focus more on patients.For informational purposes only.