facebook Telemedicine Medical Billing | Quest National Services

Specialized for your practice

Telemedicine medical billing

Our cutting-edge healthcare solutions are here to help you keep treating your patients during the COVID-19 public health emergency and beyond. With our team of medical billing experts you can ensure you’re being fully compensated while consulting your patients remotely.

Doctor on laptop

Consult remotely without the headache

Ensure full compensation for your services

We’re here to help practices of all shapes and sizes nationwide serve patients more profitably during this unprecedented time. Increase your revenue by 7.5% and decrease time in A/R with medical billing services tailored to telemedicine. We focus on billing so you can focus on your patients.

Helping you go telemedicine

Free telemedicine solution for clients

Use our simple and secure technology to treat patients using a personalized room link.

  • HIPAA compliant calls
  • Accessible from desktops, tablets, and smartphones
  • No download required
  • Live chat to complement audio and video features
  • Patient queue for easy navigation
Doctor on phone

How we can help

Why outsource medical billing for your Telemedicine practice?

Medical billing experts specializing in telemedicine

Dedicated account manager as your point of contact

Monthly check-ins to review KPIs

Doctor on laptop

Focus on your patients, we do the rest

We’re up to date on complex coding and modifiers

New provisions are allowing for greater flexibility for telemedicine services but ensuring proper reimbursement can still be confusing. We are up to date on complex modifiers so you don’t have to be. While you focus on your patients, we focus on monitoring any changes to coding that may affect your compensation.

Have questions? We’ve got answers.

Frequently asked questions

How long does the telehealth waiver last?

The telehealth waiver will be effective until the public health emergency ends.

Does the patient have to be an established patient in order for the payers to pay for telehealth?

No, during the public health emergency insurance companies are allowing providers to also see new patients. Remember that all plans are different and a private insurance plan may or may not pay for these services. See self-insured plans and patient’s individual medical plan benefit.

What services can be provided by telehealth?

During the emergency declaration, any physician service provided via telehealth will be reimbursed by CMS that falls under the regular in-person services normally provided in the outpatient office setting. CMS reimburses separately for other professional services that are commonly furnished remotely using telecommunications technology without restrictions that apply to Medicare telehealth. These services, including physician interpretation of diagnostic tests, care management services, and virtual check-ins, are normally furnished through communication.

Can a Nurse Practitioner or a Physician Assistant provide telehealth services?

Yes, but each state has its own requirements.

Are HIPAA rules the same with telehealth?

Yes, medications can be prescribed using telemedicine.

What is the difference between virtual check-ins and e-visits?

E-visit is when a patient communicates with their doctors through online patient portals. Virtual check-in pays professionals for brief (5-10 minute) communications that mitigate the need for an in-person visit, is treated the same as an in-person visit, and can be billed using the appropriate code for that service as you would in the office, using place of service 02 to indicate the service was performed via telehealth.

Are the telehealth services only limited to services related to patients with COVID-19?

No. During the health emergency, regardless of your diagnosis, a patient can be seen for any other medical conditions. The basis of this premise is to limit the one to one physical office visits with the provider to reduce the chances of someone contracting COVID-19.

What is the reimbursement for telehealth services?

Private payers currently run the gambit, there is no fixed price or a set fee schedule, nor is there a private payer mandate to pay for telehealth services. Medicare on the other hand, will reimburse the same amount for telehealth services as it would for regular face-to-face E/M services.

Serve patients more profitably

At QuestNS, we understand that the goal of your office is to provide top-notch care for patients that are suffering from difficult and hard-to-diagnose conditions. Our goal is aligned with this, and we strive to clear away the mundane tasks in order to allow the medical experts to focus on the medical aspects of the practice. Our experts also work hard to ensure the highest degree of return from services performed so that practices can continue to function at optimal levels and offer patients the very best services.

Awards & certifications

Let us be your trusted partner

Magnus Proud Sponsor

Magnus Proud Sponsor

kareo advisory board member 2016-1027

Kareo Advisory Board

Kareo premier partner

Kareo Connect Premiere Partner

10 most promising revenue cycle management soluton providers 2016

10 Most Promising Revenue Cycle Management Solution Providers

Magnus Proud Sponsor

Magnus Proud Sponsor

kareo advisory board member 2016-1027

Kareo Advisory Board

Kareo premier partner

Kareo Connect Premiere Partner

10 most promising revenue cycle management soluton providers 2016

10 Most Promising Revenue Cycle Management Solution Providers

Easy integration

We work with your software

We believe you should be able to continue working with software that is transparent and that you are familiar with. Our medical billing services allow you to use your existing software so that there is no downtime, no training, and no additional costs. This allows you to serve your patients more profitably.

AdvancedMDEPICMediSoftNEXTGENIntergyKareoCareCloudAllScriptsGE CentricityMediTouchCollaborateMDeClinicalWorksOur Software Solution Brands for Medical Billing Services

We work with over 15 practice management softwares, like those listed above.

Don’t see yours? Contact us to see if we work with your software.

Ask about our software solutions

Is outsourcing right for you?

Calculate how much you can save

Use our free, online calculator to see how much money your practice could save by outsourcing your medical billing. Get your results in 3 easy steps.

Calculate your savings

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Step 1

Step 1: Call us or submit a form

An expert practice consultant is waiting to serve you

Step 2

Step 2: Review proposal in one phone call

Analyze your practice’s needs and review services that may increase profitability

Step 3

Step 3: Finalize your contract

We can start serving you in as little as 5 days

  1. Step one: Call us or submit a form An expert practice consultant is waiting to serve you
  2. Get a Free Quote

  3. Step two: Review proposal in one phone call Analyze your practice’s needs and review services that may increase profitability
  4. Step three: Finalize your contract We can start serving you in as little as 5 days